Episode 3.12: Outside The Outside

THE PODCAST: March 16, 2021

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All inclusive soccer at Mahone Bay United. A Goddess Class that is building a community rooted in the divine feminine. Listen in as Tim and Tuesday share their personal passions and what’s keeping them inspired and grounded in life and work.

Together, Tim Merry and Tuesday Ryan-Hart are THE OUTSIDE—systems change and equity strategists who bring the fresh air necessary to organize movements, organizations, and collaborators forward for progress, surfacing new mindsets for greater participation and shared impact.


  • Tues + Tim: This week, on the podcast, we talk about “Outside The Outside.” Tim and I share some of the things we are doing outside our work at The Outside because it impacts what we’re doing in the organization and because we have full lives and not all of it is happening in The Outside. We’re pulling back the curtain. We dig into a Goddess Class that Tuesday has launched and Mahone Bay United, a soccer club that I launched.

  • Tim: I was talking to our gorgeous friend and colleague, Bronagh Gallagher, and she was talking about the work she is doing in Scotland called Enough! Scotland… and I was blown away by it and so we have decided to have this as part of our monthly TO Team meetings and to talk about work that’s going on outside The Outside on the pod today.

  • Tim: We were doing a 2.5 year significant piece of work, here in Nova Scotia, around access to the sport sector and there were some amazing stories of people opening up ice skating rinks for free and the accessibility that gave people who would otherwise not be able to be involved due to cost. At the same time, my daughter did not want to do soccer competitively in the winter, so we decided to go to the local soccer field and shortly thereafter we had 17 kids playing with us. And then we started realizing we had a thing going on and divided up the ages and kicked off with an official soccer club. The whole thing is completely free for anyone who wants to join.

  • Tues: I’m curious as to why you invited the community in?

  • Tim: Sport was a big thing for me in my teens and became a place for me to get things out / physically express myself. There is a ‘knowing’ in me that sport is a part of growing. Sport literally saved my life when I was 16. There was a moment of choice in my life in which sport played a big part. I just love soccer - the people all over the world, the fans, the drama that surrounds it, the singing/the chants. It’s accessible. There is always a soccer game wherever you travel all over the world. All you need is a tin can. It’s one of the most intercultural, accessible games you can play. It’s a real meeting ground.

  • Tues: In this transition of my life, over the past four years, I had a pretty spontaneous experience of connection to the divine feminine. I was never into that, I wasn’t religious at all and didn’t even consider myself all that spiritual. I found my connection with source in nature. I’ve had a deep sense of myself and my intuition all of my life and very much trusted that. I was in a place in my life where I didn’t know what to do next and I think that resulted in a call out to source and what came back to me was this divine feminine presence. A course download came to me when I was on a run this past August, and I wrote it down but didn’t do anything with it. Then Tim and I were talking and he suggested for me to offer a course to Outsiders. I really enjoyed the 21-day class with Outsiders - I felt great, aligned, on my purpose, and felt like I was contributing. At the same time, I was working on my own creative work and got excited by how I could make the Goddess course better and then I decided to make it public. I put it out, had a sign up in the first 3 minutes and had to cut it off at 30 people and create a wait list.

  • Tues: Tim and I lead so much stuff and so this Goddess Class with Outsiders felt like ‘leadership with’ and an exploration. There was something womanly happening in this class that I don’t often get and I realized that I missed that. My spontaneous connection to the divine was in connection with doing trauma work. I was in the middle of doing some visualization work around some of my early childhood trauma and as I did that, spontaneously, that little person who was being hurt got some healing. It was not a memory. It was absolutely divine; a moment of grace. For almost a month after, everyday, I would experience divine presence. It was completely unlooked for and undeniable. Next up is a Goddess Class for men!!

  • Song: “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot” - sung at England Rugby Team games

  • Poem: “Diwali” from the book Make Me Your Own: Poems to the Divine Beloved by Tosha Silver

    “If you knew what Love surrounded you every moment, your fears would melt like icicles in the noonday sun.”

    An INVITATION to you, dear listeners: Would you be interested in participating in a 10-15 minute interview with our podcast producer? We have some questions for you about why you listen, how you listen and the role this podcast plays in your life and work. If you’d like to participate in an interview, send us a note at podcast@findtheoutside.com


Subscribe to the podcast now—in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher or anywhere else you find podcasts. New episodes will be available every second Tuesday. If you’d like to get in touch with us about something you heard on the show, reach us at podcast@findtheoutside.com.

Find the song we played in today’s show - and every song we’ve played in previous shows - on the playlist. Just search ‘Find the Outside’ on Spotify.


Duration: 41:26

Produced by: Mark Coffin
Theme music: Gary Blakemore
Episode cover image: source